How You Can Create An Avalanche Of Cash With The Content Cash Secrets Mini Site Videos

"Battle Tested System Shows You How I Make $102.36 A Day Online With Autopilot Income Mini Sites That Crank Out Cash Even When You Are Sleeping!"

Read This Page To Discover...

The Secret To Generating A Huge Passive Income Online And How I Earned $4,210.75 On Auto Pilot In A Year With Just One Mini Site That Took Less Than A Day To Build And Promote...

From : Dean James

Date  :

Dear Friend,

When I was 19 I saw a great full page advert in a newspaper for a book on direct mail marketing. I hurriedly cut out the order form and sent off for it. At the time I worked in a dead end office job and looked forward to receiving this book in the mail. When it arrived I feverishly unwrapped the packaging and read every single page.

I had this idea that you could order Ray Ban sunglasses in bulk, make a fortune selling them to people via newspaper ads and then spend your days swinging in a hammock sipping Pina Colada in the sunshine.

You Can Dream All You Want, But That
 Won't Pay The Bills

Guess what you do with new found 'direct marketing' knowledge at just 19 years of age if you don't apply what you have learnt? Nothing. You do absolutely nothing other than continue to dream of a different life and turn up to work.

At first it was easier to go with the flow than it was to take any real positive action. Before you know it, you're in a rut with too much month left at the end of the money.

I went to college and had also done a vocational course in I.T. so I decided to pursue a career in this field. I wasn't too fussy about exactly what I did in I.T. as long as I got my foot in the door, so I took a job on a helpdesk doing technical support over the phone.

This scenario may sound familiar: you do this for 3 years, get one promotion and find yourself treading water in a corporate cubicle dweller environment. I started to dream about a different life, one that was fulfilling and exciting.

Like many people, I really felt I was firmly stuck in the rat race but I wasn't resigned to it yet. I still had hope and belief that it was possible to come up trumps and change your life.

This was where I used to dread going to work. Wasting away in I.T. support, taking a gazillion calls a day that dropped in automatically on my headset. It was almost enough to drive you insane.

What Happens When You Join A Gold Rush Just Before They Stop Selling The Shovels

At around this time there was a strong bull market, particularly  in technology stocks when the internet was still in a state of relative infancy. The stock market was a big attraction as shares soared in value. This was the new gold rush and I was determined to take a stake. I used the equivalent of a few hundred dollars I had saved and bought into a stock that was going up with no signs of stopping.

Before long I had doubled my money and I was hooked. You probably know that we were in the middle of a massive bubble. Rookie stock market players, of which I was one, would soon get financially wiped out.

All of a sudden work seemed even more boring and pointless than it ever had before. During work hours all I could think about was what my stocks were doing. I didn't have much money in the market but the stocks were moving so fast it was like a real life casino that was rigged in favor of the players.

Too good to be true?

Yes, but when you see everything is rising in value it's easy to make the mistake of thinking you know what you are doing. In my euphoric state I made that error of judgement. I wrote out a letter of resignation and handed my notice in at the very height of the tech bubble to trade stocks for a living.

I thought I had quit my job to do great things as a trader but I was wrong.  What happened next spelt financial meltdown that forced me to abandon everything.

And here's why...

The tech bubble burst and almost all the stocks started to fall in price at an alarming rate. I was just a rookie in the trading game and wasn't prepared for these heavy falls and resulting losses.

In life, when you make a mistake and people think you are doing well, the hardest thing to do is admit you were wrong. Trying to preserve your own ego can stop you from admitting you have failed.

Stock prices were falling through the floor which felt like a punch in the guts that meant financial disaster. All hopes of amassing a fortune vanished into thin air.


I read Dean's Cash Content Secrets report and couldn't believe all the great information it contained. It was definitely enough to get me started on making mini sites. Up until now keyword research had not only been difficult but oftentimes quite overwhelming for me, but Dean got it down to a few easy steps anyone can follow. Not only that it's all free.

I also loved the traffic generating procedures. I've been doing article marketing for some time but now I have even more tips and tricks to work with. I can really see how simple it is to create mini websites that can each earn a few dollars a day. With this method, having 20 mini sites up and running isn't hard at all.

Thanks again Dean for the great information.


Preserving My Ego Gave Me A 50% Pay Cut That
 Left Me Feeling Ashamed

Instead of returning to I.T. immediately, I walked into an agency that had temporary work in my local area. I accepted a three week assignment paying minimum wage that just happened to be opposite the place I used to work where I had been earning more than double that amount.

My previous place of work opposite me was a constant reminder of my mistake but I was too proud to ask for my old job back. I was told I would be helping with the processing of mortgage applications but in the most part they left me filing with a guy that was on work experience.

My self esteem hit rock bottom and I walked out of that job after 2 weeks. Being opposite where I used to work felt like a smack in the face I had given myself.

What do you do when you're down and out?

You get back up.

I was still really interested in trading stocks but I couldn't withstand the losses and turn a profit I could live on. I needed a regular wage, so I went back to working on an I.T. helpdesk for a different company. My plan was to build medium term positions in stocks and one day be financially free. 

I was passionate about the idea of being free from the rat race. You see -  I just wanted a way of making money outside of my job so I could get out of that office environment. The only way I could see to get out of the 9-5, was to get back in.

Just When I Thought I Was Out, They
 Pulled Me Back In

I reluctantly accepted a job on a commercial I.T. helpdesk. The desks we sat at were in circular clusters, like pods and every one had an appointed 'head of pod' who watched over us to pounce whenever we slipped up.

The pods also had another manager one level above. He would instant message us with extra work and notices about things we didn't have time to read let alone absorb. The only thing missing from this ensemble was a whip and a cracking noise to accompany it.

It was reminiscent of a Big Brother setup and you were monitored at every level, it was like they were intent on making you literally hate the place. You know it's bad when you look around and nobody is smiling.

I recall one day I left my desk to sort out a query for a customer and got reprimanded for being vacant from my desk for "7 minutes and 38 seconds". The 'head of pod' seemed to delight in pointing this out on my 'realtime' call stats. I thought to myself, "There has to be more to life than this. I feel like a battery hen".

I often used to remind myself of these lyrics from a song by the late Scatman John, "I WANT to be a human BEING not a human DOING".

Fortunately my new job was quite close to where I lived, so at lunchtimes I would rush home to check out what my stock positions were doing. I used to have an hour for lunch and it would take 15 minutes each way traveling time which left me with just 30 minutes to get on my computer at home and see how things were looking.

The time on my lunch hour used to fly and then drag when I returned to work. I used to put a piece of blu-tac over the clock on the computer monitor at work so I wouldn't know what the time was.

The Content Cash Secrets Ebook has lots of great info for beginners and experienced alike. I have a couple dozen mini-sites and I'm sure tips from the book will help me greatly improve my income. My "Update" sites have a lot of potential and have started making some money, but the ideas in the Content Cash Secrets Ebook should make them perform much better.

Jim Luciano

This Childhood Memory Came Back To Haunt Me

A couple of years went by and I eventually realised that trying to make my fortune trading stocks was little more than a pipedream. I sold off any remaining positions I had which was a somewhat cathartic experience.

The reality kicked in that I was becoming job fodder. I remember when I was just 8 years old, looking over a bridge into a stream wondering what I would be doing when I was 25. Being in my mid-twenties seemed so far away at the time, yet here it was and I'd already passed this age having achieved relatively little.

I always thought I would fall on my feet, but this was the point where you have to stop kidding myself and wake up. Things started to run through my mind such as, "How did you let this happen?", "What do you do next?" and "You just can't do this job anymore". I was in a panic state as the inescapable reality of my life surged through my mind with the force of a tidal wave.

How A 30 Second Walk Can Bring You To Your Senses

This may sound pretty sad to you as you read this, but at lunchtimes in this particular job I used to walk with my sandwiches, armed with a book of short stories and sit on a bench outside. This was like my fantasy escape from the reality of my job. One thing they couldn't take away from me was my imagination as I read a Stephen King story or freedom to eat a sandwich in the sunshine.

The place where I worked used to sell prestigious cars. I remember counting the cars one day as I walked into the office and in less than 30 seconds I had walked past over a million dollars worth of prized motors. I thought to myself how much this company was making and how little they were paying me.

I then got lost in this thought process and indulged myself further by fancifully considering how long it would take me to buy the cars it had taken me just 30 seconds of my life to walk past. I concluded that at my current rate of success it would take over 100 years. I reflected that you couldn't wait this long to make a million dollars or to be free.

Compelling Junk Mail Promising You Overnight Riches, Mansions and Flash Cars

I looked at lots of things from gambling systems to money making opportunities that sounded too good to be true. Deep down you know most of them are probably garbage but I admit I would often read the junk mail before I went to work.

It would usually be about some guy standing in front of a mansion with his own helicopter landing pad nearby. There was also the one about the guy with the Ferrari in his driveway that he paid for in cold, hard cash.

I never bought any of these systems but you sometimes stop and wonder if any of them were actually making the money they claimed. Were any of them for real?

It's hard to tell.

After reading them I would put them into the waste paper bin and briefly ponder to myself if I had just ripped up and thrown away something that could have been the keys to the kingdom.

I have read the ebook and fair play, its full of great info and even taught me some new things, and I have been in this game a long time, so continue to do what you are doing and keep distributing the good content. Ps. New people to this business cant afford not to read your book.

Mark Breakspear, Swindon


 Lightbulb Moment Unlocked The Doors Of Possibility

I'd seen some websites with people claiming they had made millions on the internet. I knew there was some truth in this as you would hear about "Dotcom Millionaires" during the tech bubble. But I was still sceptical and thought that these people were making all their money from trying to sell me the thing they claimed was making them rich.

One night I was relaxing at home, surfing the internet and happened to stumble across a video by a very well known internet marketer called John Reese. In the video he was talking about something called VRE which was short for 'Virtual Real Estate'. John showed his earnings stats in this report and how the earnings had increased over time.

This all looked very credible to me and the idea of creating 'real estate' on the internet using my computer was appealing so I decided I would give this a try. You know something is worth a shot when you have very little to lose and everything to gain. 

You Begin To Build It, But Is This The Answer?

I started to build a mini site. At the time I obviously just thought, "Why don't you try and build a website and see if you can make any money on the internet". This is as complicated as the thought process got, but one thing I do have a pretty good understanding of is numbers. I knew that if you could make any kind of regular and predictable income from a mini site, you could then build another and replicate this to make a growing passive income in your spare time.

I was familiar with the power of residual income after reading a book called "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki.

First though I had to see this with my own eyes... know when something just isn't real until you've done it and seen it for yourself? When it's happened to you it becomes real? Well, this is how it was for me too.

Zero Earnings Leave You Stuck On The Runway Struggling To Take-Off

When you first start a new venture you are filled with hope, joy and anticipation of all the good things that are to come. I enthusiastically built and promoted my mini site, then monetized it, sat back and waited.

I wasn't expecting anything amazing in the first 24 hours but if I am honest I was hoping within a couple of days of the site being monetized I would have generated some income. Imagine checking your earnings stats for several days in a row and each day being greeted with $0.00 staring blankly back at you.

That sucks.

So far I'd made a big fat Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. How could this be? Was I doing something wrong? I started to think this was another waste of my time. What good was a ton of mini sites earning $0.00 a day. At that rate you would be worse than broke. My expectations began to diminish and I almost gave up on pursuing this any further.


After reviewing your new Ebook, "Content Cash Secrets", I felt compelled to forward these comments to you. Simply stated, you did an astounding job compiling it and it definitely shows your devotion to organization and detail. Any new-comer, desiring to establish his or her Internet presence with the intent of financial reward, will truly benefit from this blueprint.

In as much as the book is comprehensive, it is also clear and concise and written in a personal manner that very quickly, causes it to become "ones' friend". All the steps to producing a monetized mini website are included and all one has to add is their personal commitment to the task, with a minimum of financial outlay. Dean, I can only express one negative comment at this point in time.. Where were you when I needed this type of assistance? (ha) ...

To Your Success,

Wayne Mattson


Why You Will Want To Shout From The Rooftops When You Make Your First Dollar

After several days of seeing $0.00 earnings, an AMAZING thing happened. I actually thought it was a mistake when I saw something other than $0.00. There in front of me was the figure $1.07 in black and white.  


I couldn't believe it and went into a state of 'happy shock'. I know it may sound over the top to get into a frenzy about a dollar earnings, but it wasn't about the amount of money earned, it was the undeniable proof that what you are doing actually works. Even at this point I knew I was onto something and that I could scale this up.

All I needed was to do what I could to maximize my returns, apply this knowledge and track the results. Finally I knew it was possible to make an income outside of your regular day job.

Don't get me wrong, at this stage I was still absorbing the potential and crunching the numbers. To take things to the next level I would need to build more sites and learn as I went along. In time I would have a battle tested formula to create an increasing monthly income that could replace the earnings from my job and even surpass them..

Spurred on by these early results I knew this was a numbers game you could win. Now I was a chief in command of mini sites that were an army of 'money-getting' assets willing to keep working without rest, providing you gave them a little nurturing in the beginning.

Pretty Soon You Are In Reaching Distance Of
 Life Changing Paydays

After all, if you have averages to work with and a system to follow you can literally write your own pay check if you are motivated. I focused on building more mini sites and initially sticking to a strategy of Rinse. Tweak. Repeat.

Don't ask me why us humans focus on round numbers like, $1, $10 and $100 but getting to $100 a day was a huge motivating factor. I regarded that as my personal 'job quitting point'.

I was determined that as soon as I was consistently earning $100 or more a day I would hand in my notice at work and do this full time. I wasn't far away from my goal and I knew it was inevitable I would soon achieve it. As your sites mature the traffic increases and so does your earnings.

Want to see some proof? Here you go...

Earnings of $141.71 for February 2009 is from just 1 mini site that spits out cash day-in, day-out. You can quickly build sites like this to create your very own monthly cash avalanche

I found your Content Cash Secrets Ebook a great pleasure to read,  and I have already started to put some elements of your guide into my web sites. Thanks for the good information.


Replace Your Income And Throw In The Towel With A Smile On Your Face

The day soon came and last year at the height of Summer I handed in my notice at work. What a great feeling! Once you know you are leaving, working your notice is a walk in the park. It's like someone has come along and removed the weight from your shoulders in one fell swoop.

I remember my last day at work in that office very well. Apart from the occasional office banter you inevitably get wherever you work, I knew that there would be nothing I would miss about this job. I took in the atmosphere of the environment for one last time, vowing never to return to such an existence no matter what.

I knew that there would be no big send off, no balloons attached to my chair or fanfare as I walked out of the door for the last time. Nothing to really signify that "this was it", other than a few people wishing me the best, but that didn't matter one little bit.

It was great to be free and know you can do what you actually want with your life. My days of taking a gazillion calls a day on a headset or being shackled to a desk until it was time to stampede out of the door at 5pm had come to an end.

Driving Out Of The Prison Gates To Freedom

I walked out of the office and down the stairs, then out of the main office door into the car park. I got into my car and turned the ignition key. As I began to drive away from the office building I couldn't help but smile, knowing I would not be dreading another day working at that place ever again.

It almost felt surreal as I went past the gates, which for a long time had represented some kind of voluntary prison to me. Now the sight of them meant freedom. I'd finally made the great escape...

...and I want to challenge you to join me.

They don't have road signs for financial freedom in real life but that doesn't stop you from throwing the rule book out of the window and following this one.

Since that day I haven't looked back...

...but you also don't forget what it felt like to be going through the motions of life, merely existing instead of really living. I know you may be looking for an answer that will show you how to make enough money to quit your job and get out of the rat race.

I am also acutely aware there are also people struggling at the moment as a result of the credit crunch that could really use a secondary income. The bottom line is there are a ton of people out there that want to make extra money for a number of reasons - if only they knew how.

Thanks for sending me your Cash Content Secrets ebook. I was astonished at all the great information it contained. I had not really understood mini sites but now, thanks to you, I know how powerful they can be.

The traffic generating procedures were great. I've been doing article marketing for a while but you have given me tips and tricks I knew nothing about. Keyword research was also something of a mystery to me but you've given us an easy step-by-step approach which works!

Thanks again Dean for the great information.


Burning The Midnight Oil So I Could Share
 My Secrets With You

There is one thing I did like about my support job and that was helping people. I knew I could help you achieve what I've already achieved if I created a nuts-and-bolts system that was push button simple to follow.

You could then do this step-by-step to achieve the same life changing results and propel your income into the stratosphere over time. With this thought firmly implanted in my mind, one night I went to my computer and just started typing out what I did to make money online from scratch.

The "Content Cash Secrets" system was born. What the heck, I decided to reveal the whole shebang and let you in on all the secrets I used to replace my income and quit the day job.

The very same money making secrets that made me $4,210.75  in a year from just one mini site and automatically make me $102.36 in a day online!


Hi Dean,

Because of the help you have given me in the past few weeks I would like to offer a testimonial.

I am very happy with how you personally deal with my emails. Also I must say I have found your advice very helpful. And I have found that the most important thing you offer is encouragement: I do believe that that is the most important thing of all.

It takes time to get up and running, more especially as I am, at 68 still working full time and, like any 68 year old, tend to tire more easily. But even though I have tried other systems without much success, this time I am encouraged to continue the effort.

I must say that the Platinum members package is WELL worth the money, since you make it so easy to get a web page going immediately. Everybody should do themselves a favour and pay the extra few dollars to join that.

And finally the videos which include so much useful information. They are short, to the point, and very informative. The videos clarify what is sometimes left out elsewhere. Frankly I couldn't do without them.

Best wishes, and I'll keep you posted.

Quentin Feduchin,

Now it's YOUR turn to make money online...

   Content Cash Secrets System - The Videos

With This Proven Money Making System You'll Discover:

  • A Foolproof Method Of Choosing A High Paying Niche For Maximum Returns

  • How To Do Profitable Keyword Research For Your Mini Site

  • Ways To Quickly Drive Laser Targeted Traffic That Will Turn Your Mini Sites Into Unstoppable Cash Machines

  • Two Companies You Should Partner With If You Want A Bulging Bank Balance

  • The Only Hosting Company I Recommend To Ensure Your Mini Sites Pay Out Around The Clock

  • The Battle Tested Formula I Use To Make $102.36 Or More A Day Online

  • Smack In The Head Obvious Ways To Make Money In The Shortest Time Possible

  • The Accelerator Videos That Show You The Proven Methods And Time Saving Tools I Use To Build and Promote Sites At Warp Speed



My Personal Guarantee To You..

I'd like to let you try “Content Cash Secrets Videos” risk free for 60 days!

It's not going to take you 60 days to see results so you will have plenty of time to put everything into action and start making money online. This course was designed for one thing and that's to help you make money or you don't pay a cent.

Get the course and go through all the videos, then put what you learn into action. Secrets that have taken me years to learn and make money with will be yours in minutes from now with my step-by-step videos walking you through.

Remember, my personal guarantee to you gives you a full 60 days to try out this system absolutely risk free.

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Click the “Order Now” button below, and get instant access to Content Cash Secrets Videos.


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This is your opportunity to watch over-my-shoulder as I walk you through all of the steps required so you can quickly and simply start cranking out your own mini site cash machines.

I created these videos because I want to help as many people as possible make real money online. Cut down the learning curve and start seeing real results with the "Content Cash Secrets Videos". Put into action what I teach in this video series and you'll quickly have your own empire of mini sites spitting out cash into your bank account every month on autopilot.   

YES Dean! I want to build my own 'money getting' mini sites  so give me "Content Cash Secrets - The Videos"!

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NOTE: The videos will be provided to you online in streaming Flash format. For copyright purposes the videos are only available online and cannot be downloaded or distributed on CD.

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Here's To Your Success,

( Dean James )

PS You want to build YOUR OWN empire of mini sites and unearth juicy profits in the quickest time possible? What are you waiting for -  Get Access Now!



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© Copyright 2017. Dean James, Content Cash Secrets

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